For Online or Face-to-face

Individual, Couple, or Family Counselling, Treatment of Diagnosed Depression/Anxiety, Trauma and

other Conditions,

and/or Prayer/Spiritual Support with

Owen Robinson

MAASW (Adv. Accr)

BSW (Curtin) MA (Counselling)

BEd (Science) Grad. Dip. Management


Accredited Mental Heath Social Worker/Medicare Provider

Supervisor and Training Consultant

Open Arms (formerly Veterans & Veterans Families Counselling Service) Outreach Programme Counsellor

Department of Veterans Affairs Provider

Insurance Commission of WA Provider

Able to see members of Bupa, HCF and Teachers Health (plus UniHealth and Nurses and Midwives Health)

who have the appropriate level of cover

Listed as a Blue Knot Foundation Trauma-informed Service

For info Phone: 0408 890 887

(please allow one day for replies to messages)

NB Medicare rebates are available if you see a GP for a mental healthcare plan

Online options available

Signal (preferred secure phone app), Skype or Zoom   options are available for online sessions.

Canning Vale Serviced Offices

Unit 15, 64 Bannister Road,

Canning Vale

Western Australia  6155

(NB the entrance is on the Canvale Road side of the complex)

Medicare Provider 442250DX

Mondays/Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Fridays 7.30am-5:00pm (online or face to face)


7.30-11.30am (online only)

11.30am-5.00pm (face to face)

For Appointments Phone/SMS 0408 890 887

To mail: PO Box 260


WA 6989

To email:

This is NOT an emergency service.  For Western Australian mental health emergencies please contact the Mental Health Emergency Response Line on 1300 555 788


attend the nearest Emergency Department of a hospital.

Alternatively contact Lifeline on

13 11 14.

Helplines:  (click here)

Other support services:

Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 - for 24/7 telephone counselling for young people 5-25 years

Suicide Callback Service: 1300 659 467 - for 24/7 telephone crisis support for people at-risk of suicide, carers and bereaved

MensLine Australia: 1300 78 99 78 - for 24/7 telephone and online support, information and referral services for men

Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 - for 24/7 telephone support and online chat 4pm - 10pm (AEST)

Meth Helpline :  1800 874 878 - The Meth Helpline is a free confidential telephone counselling, information and referral service for anyone concerned about their own or another person's meth use.  

1800RESPECT - 1800 737 732 - 24 hour 7 days a week, confidential telephone and online support - 1800RESPECT is not only a support service for people affected by sexual assault, domestic and family violence. It is also an information and support service for family, friends, and frontline workers.

WA COVID-19 Hotline - Phone 13 COVID

Lifeline - Phone 13 11 14

MensLine - Phone 1300 789 978

Jobseekers Contact Line - Phone 132 850

Small business advice – Phone 133 140

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Permission given on 27 Nov 2016 by Danny Silk for #KYLO (Keep Your Love On) and;

Permission given on 27 Nov 2016 by Kris Vallotton for #KVM (Kris Vallotton Ministries).

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Marriage Counselling in Perth

Trauma Counselling in Perth

Family Counselling in Perth

Christian Counselling in Perth

Counselling for depression  in Perth

Counselling for anxiety in Perth

Counsellor is sometimes misspelled as counselor, councelor, councellor or councillor and Counselling is sometimes spelled as counselin.,  

Suburbs serviced include Shelley, Rossmoyne, Willetton, Parkwood, Ferndale, Bull Creek, Lynwood, Wilson, Cannington, Canning Vale, Leeming, Salter Point, Waterford, Karawara, Brentwood, Murdoch, Welshpool, Huntingdale, Victoria Park, Gosnells, Martin,  Jandakot, Bibra Lake, Cockburn Central, South Perth, Melville, Samson, North Lake, Myaree, Alfred Cove, Rivervale, Burswood,Orange Grove, Belmont, Ascot, South Guildford, Guildford, Hazelmere, Woodbridge, Midvale, Swan View, Greenmount, Helena Valley, Maida Vale, Gooseberry Hill, Kalamunda, Lesmurdie, Walliston, Carmel, Bickley, Forrestfield, O'Connor,  Piara Waters, Forrestdale, Treeby, Banjup, Seville Grove, Armadale, Camillo, Kelmscott, Mt Nasura, Mount Richon, Brookdale, Wuyong, Hilbert, Darling Downs, Wandi, Aubin Grove,  Atwell, Success, Hamond Park, Oakford, Byford,Individual counselling anger management counselling marriage counselling couple counselling child counselling parenting counselling sexual abuse counselling, self-harma nd suicide counselling trauma counselling relationship counselling stress management Self esteem and personal development adolescent counselling  

More Hope                More Calm              Get on Better

ABN 80 483 081 209

Body Health and the Mind

Common symtoms of depression identified by the Medical Journal of Australia appear in the following categories:



Poor appetite

Weight loss or gain

Loss of energy

Loss of libido

Poor concentration


Loss of interest or pleasure

Perceived worthlessness

Perceived hopelessness or helplessness

Preoccupation with death

Guilt or sense of failure

Illness seen as punishement


Social withdrawal

Difficulties in relationships

Reduced leisure acivities

Difficulties at work

Impaired role functioning

Depression can be caused by many factors.  This information below deals only with the way physical health can play a part in causing depression.  It is always worth ruling out physical disorders before or while in counselling for depression.  Ask your GP to investigate your physical health with a "full blood picture" to see what treatable physical problems can be addressed while you are trying to recover from depression.

Physical causes of depression may include: 

1. Serious medical illness – The stress and worry of coping with a serious physical illness can lead to depression, especially if you’re dealing with long-term management. Scroll down for incidence with specific diseases.  (Source: Beyond Blue)

2. Chronic pain especially if poorly managed by medication.  (Source: Beyond Blue)

3. Genetics - depression can run in families and some people will be at an increased genetic risk. However, having a parent or close relative with depression doesn’t mean you’ll automatically have the same experience. Life circumstances and other personal factors are still likely to have an important influence.  (Source: Beyond Blue)  Specific gene defeacts can play a big role in depression or anxiety e.g. MTHFR gene mutations (Source: Psychology Today;  

4.  Alcohol and other drug use – can both lead to and result from depression.  Many people with depression also have alcohol and other drug problems. Over 500,000 Australians will experience depression and a substance use disorder at the same time, at some point in their lives.  Alcohol and Cannabis are both depressant drugs.  (Source: Beyond Blue)

5.  Some medications - To look for whether depression is a know side effect of a medication you take try this site

6.  Vitamin B12-deficiency anaemia (Sources: University of Queensland; Bupa) - You might ask your GP to do a blood test for Vitamin B 12 levels as well as iron levels.

7.  Vitamin D deficiency - A Black Dog Institute paper that looked at current research into vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency contributing to depression has recommended that Vitamin D levels should be checked in all depressed patients. (Source: 

8.  Thyroid problems - If the thyroid is not functioning well it can cause depression. (Source: healthdirect)

9.  Liver problems -  People with a liver disease reported 12-month rates of major depression (17.2%) that were significantly higher than among people without liver disease (7.0%).  (Source: National Center for Biotechnology Information)

10. Haemochromatosis (inherited iron overload disorder) - iron levels that are too high from this disorder can cause depression. (Source: Haemochromatosis Australia)

11. Epilepsy and other neurological disorders (20%-55% of patients) - (Source: Medical Journal of Australia)

12. Multiple Sclerosis (40%-60% of patients) - (Source: Medical Journal of Australia)

13. Diabetes (9%-26% of patients) - (Source: Medical Journal of Australia)

14. Idiopathic Parkinson disease (2.7%-90% of patients) - (Source: Medical Journal of Australia)

15. Stroke (14-19% of patients) - (Source: Medical Journal of Australia)

16. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (20%-50% of patients) - (Source: Medical Journal of Australia)

17. Cardiovascular disease (7%-27% of patients) - (Source: Medical Journal of Australia)

18. Cancer (0%-38% of patients) - (Source: Medical Journal of Australia)

19. Amount of Sleep - More sleep = A happier you. Too little shuteye slows down out cognitive processes and increases risk of depression.  Try hitting the pillow 30 minutes earlier each night or taking a nap in the middle of the day.

20. Sleep apnoea - Individuals with severe sleep apnoea have a greater likelihood of having depression regardless of whether excessive daytime sleepiness is also present. However, if excessive daytime sleepiness is present there is a greater likelihood of depression.  (Source: Lung Foundation Australia)  Certain type of breathing during sleep are particularly associated with depression: snorting, gasping or short interruptions in breathing.  (Source: WebMD)

21. Foods that affect mood - Wall Street Journal reported the World Journal of Psychiatry will publish “Antidepressant Foods: An Evidence-based Nutrient Profiling System for Depression,” by Dr. Drew Ramsey, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia University, and Dr. Laura LaChance of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto. It includes a nutrient-profile scale, which identifies the most nutrient-dense foods in relation to “the prevention and treatment of depressive disorders.” The paper names 12 nutrients key to managing depression and anxiety: folate (vitamin B9), iron, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, potassium, selenium, thiamine (vitamin B1), vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C and zinc. The article states foods richest in these include bivalves such as clams, mussels and oysters; leafy greens such as kale and spinach; wild salmon; organ meats; nuts; beans and seeds.  Another course recommends we drink some milk - Dairy contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid that is needed to produce serotonin, the “happy” chemical in the brain. Milk: It not only does the body good, it does the brain good too.

Have you ever noticed when you get a cold or flu infection how much you feel depressed?  When inflammation rises while fighting the infection our mood drops.  Inflammation affects our brain and our mood.  Dr Darren Morton, author of Live More Happy, writes that scientists have discovered that, if our great-great-grandma wouldn’t recognise it as food, our body doesn’t either. Instead, a lot of what we eat today is better described as a food-like substance, heavily processed and packaged;  our body sees it as a foreign invader and hence goes into defence-and-depressed-mode (inflammation rises).   Morton states that diets that are plant-based, dominated by whole fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes improve mood within days.  The body recognises these foods as “real food,” so welcomes them on board as a friend, not foe.

In a study involving more than 80,000 people in Great Britain, the researchers discovered a dose-response relationship between the consumption of fruits and vegetables and happiness—the more fruits and vegetables people consumed, the happier they were, even after taking into account a number of other personal, social and economic factors known to influence happiness.  Researchers from New Zealand found that people who ate the most fruit and vegetables were the happiest.  The participants reported feeling happier the very next day after they consumed higher levels of fruits and vegetables.

Another study by Australian researchers found that a Mediterranean-style diet, which emphasised fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes, relieved depression four times more effectively than when only social support was offered to the study participants.  More recently, studies have found that a higher consumption of fruit and vegetables not only improves happiness, but also other mental measures including curiosity and creativity.10 Berries can beat the blues and carrots can cultivate creativity!

There is a gut-brain connection.  The state of our gut can affect our state of mind through chemicals produced by our gut bacteria that are absorbed into our blood and make their way to the brain to lift mood. Because of this gut–brain connection, a poor diet can actually contribute to depression. So having the right bacteria living a healthy life in our gut can affect out state of mind.  Some of our best friends can be germs!

The best way to ensure the  happiness of gut bacteria is to feed them fibre.  Fibre is the non-digestible parts of plants—there is no fibre in animal products—and our gut bacteria love the stuff!  Unfortunately, most people today starve their gut bacteria.  Processing strips the fibre out so 97 per cent of people don’t consume the recommended daily intake of fibre.  

There is some evidence that taking probiotics, which help put good bacteria into our gut, can actually decrease symptoms of anxiety, depression, anger and hostility.  But Morton states the consensus among the experts is that feeding the good bacteria we already have so that they can flourish is a better way to go.

22. Dehydration - Our brain is very sensitive to dehydration.  Our brain is 75% water and actually shrinks if we are dehydrated in cluding the parts of the brain that generate happiness.   So it is a good idea to make a concerted effort to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.    As a tip, you know you are sufficiently well hydrated if your urine is clear.  

Evidence-based Complementary Therapies

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) Clinical Practice Guidelines for comlimentary therapies states that zinc is one of six evidence based complimentry therapies for mild to moderate depression.  

The 6 complementary therapies for mild to moderate major depression are:

Omega-3 fatty acids  - Used as adjunct to medication, it may help with bipolar disorder (depression symptoms) and milder cases of major depression

St John’s wort -  Similar efficacy to SSRIs for mild to moderate cases of major depression

S-adenosyl-methionine (SAMe) - May help with depression when used as adjunct to medication

Zinc - May assist depressive symptoms when used as adjunct to medication

N-acetyl cysteine - Some symptom reduction efficacy in bipolar disorder and possibly in depression

Folate (including L-methylfolate) - May assist depressive symptoms as adjunct to medication

The guidelines quote a study that indetified that reported that high adherence to a Mediterranean diet, also a very healthful dietary pattern, is associated with a 30% reduced risk for depression.  

Source: Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for mood disorders

Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2015, Vol. 49(12) 1087–1206 (page 1143)